You're using Internet Explorer ?!?

That browser never loved internet,
nor internet loved it

Dear visitor,
you’ve arrived here, a place which will try to persuade you to abandon IE completely. Microsoft moved to something better (Edge), so you should do the same – start using something better.

This doesn’t meen we encourage you to start using Edge, we won’t even place a link towards it, but:

  1. Firefox – little speedy fox, non-profit browser – we think this is the best browser & we recommend it
  2. Chrome – not bad, but it loves to eat RAM sticks
  3. Tor – anonymity = Tor

You’ve got plenty of browser choices – you can use everything, just not IE.
Internet Exploder(not a typo) is already caused enough pain and damage for its users on one and developers on other end.
IE never loved internet, nor internet loved it.
You won’t be to see our website contents, until you install (and start using) proper and normal browser.

We’re sorry about this, we didn’t want otherwise.